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讲座——Computation Across Scales: From Sculpture to City Planning

发布时间:2016-08-29 作者:石云 浏览次数:


麻省理工规划系研究生Dennis Harvey来参与李保峰老师的课题,因他的研究涉及数字化与建筑及规划的关系,李老师拟请他于91号上午10:3011:30给研究生介绍一下他的研究。以下是他的讲课内容和大致简历,他曾在著名的BIG事务所工作多年,目前在MIT规划系进行研究。

SubjectComputation Across Scales: From Sculpture to City Planning

ContentsThe application of computation in design and architecture has evolved over the past two decades of use. While the initial hype around parametricism is waning, computation is now taking a back seat to other ideas while still remaining an essential tool for designers and planners. I'll take a look at the use of computation in the work that I've been involved with across these 3 disciplines; sculpture, architecture, and city planning. I'll use projects in these areas to explain how computation is used to find new symbolic meaning in sculpture, enable new programmatic concepts in architecture, and to analyze urban data in city planning.

CVDennis Harvey is currently a Master in City Planning student at MIT. He also worked at Bjarke Ingels Group as a computational design specialist and for the sculptor Diana Al-Hadid as a digital fabrication specialist.




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