委员:成玉宁、杜春兰、金荷仙、刘晖、李树华、Mario Fosso、Paul Meyer、让余敏、万敏、王军、王伟华、易志坚、赵晓龙
3. 会议交通导引图:
Meeting Schedule
2018年11月9日,星期五 Friday, November 9, 2018 |
9:30—22:00 |
报到 (华中科技大学 学术交流中心八号楼大厅) Registration (Huazhong University of Science and Technology Academic Exchange Center Building 8) |
18:00—19:00 |
与会专家晚餐(百景园3楼餐厅) Dinner with experts (Baijingyuan 3rd Floor Restaurant) |
2018年11月10日,星期六 Saturday, November 10, 2018 |
会议地点 (1号楼学术报告厅) Meeting place (School Report Hall, Building 1) |
8:30—9:00 主持:万敏 Host: Wan Min |
开幕式 Opening ceremony 致辞:华中科技大学、国务院学位委员会风景园林学科评议组、 中国风景园林学会、中国阳明文化园、学院领导 Speech: Huazhong University of Science and Technology, State Council Academic Degrees Committee, Landscape Architecture Discipline Review Group, China Landscape Architecture Society, China Yangming Cultural Park, College Leadership |
9:00—9:20 |
照相、茶歇 Photography, Tea break |
9:20—10:20 主持:高翅 Host: Gao Chi
9:20—9:50 刘滨谊 (同济大学建筑与城市规划学院景观学系,国务院学位办委员会风景园林学科评议组长) Liu Binyi (Department of Landscape Architecture, School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji University, Review Team of Landscape Architecture, State Council Academic Degrees Committee) 建设公园城市——未来城市景观的新方向 Building a Park City — the new Direction of the Future Urban Iandscape
9:50—10:20 成玉宁 (东南大学建筑学院景观学系) Cheng Yuning (Department of Landscape Architecture, School of Architecture, Southeast University) 数字景观——意义、逻辑、结构与方法 Digital Landscape — meaning, Logic, Structure and Method |
10:20—12:00 主持:刘滨谊 Host: Liu Binyi
10:20—10:50 易志坚(重庆交通大学副校长) Yi Zhijian (Vice President of Chongqing Jiaotong University) 沙漠土壤化的原理、实践与前景 The Theory, Practice and Prospect of Desert Soilization
10:50—11:20 杜春兰(重庆大学建筑与城市规划学院) Du Chunlan (College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Chongqing University) 尘埃落定——回归的在地性研究 Dust Settles — the Study of the Geography of the Return
11:20—12:00(含翻译时间)(including translation time) Mario Fosso(米兰理工大学Politecnico di Milano) Healty Mind in Healty body — Asili, Scuole Ospedali, Villaggi per Vacanze in Italy and Europe 健康理念,健康身体——以意大利和欧洲的Asili,Scuole Ospedali,Villaggi per Vacanze项目为例 |
12:00—13:00 |
专家及会议代表午餐(百景园3楼餐厅) Experts and conference delegates lunch (Baijingyuan 3rd Floor Restaurant) |
会议地点 (1号楼学术报告厅) Meeting place (School Report Hall, Building 1) |
13:30—14:30 主持:成玉宁 Host: Cheng Yuning
13:30—13:50 刘晖(西安建筑科技大学建筑学院风景园林系) Liu Hui (Department of Landscape Architecture, School of Architecture, Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology) 生境营造·西安实验 Habitat Construction·Xi'an Experiment
13:50—14:10 谭少华(重庆大学建筑与城市规划学院 ) Tan Shaohua (College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Chongqing University) 风景园林的健康恢复功效-缓解人群精神压力视角 The Health Restoration Effect of Landscape Gardens
14:10—14:30 姜斌(香港大学建筑学院 园境建筑学部) Jiang Bin (Department of Landscape Architecture, University of Hong Kong)) 探索健康城市之路:城市自然提升精神健康 The Road to the Healthy City: The Benefits of Urban Nature for Mental Health |
14:30—15:50 主持:杜春兰 Host: Du Chunlan |
14:30—14:50 金荷仙(浙江农林大学风景园林与建筑学院,《中国园林》杂志社社长) Jin Hexian (College of Landscape Architecture, Zhejiang A & F University, President of Chinese Landscape Architecture Journal) 咫尺仙境——江南道教洞天福地的生态智慧 Amazing Wonderland — The Ecological Wisdom of Tianfudi in Jiangnan Taoist Cave
14:50—15:30(含翻译时间)(With translation time) Paul Meyer(澳大利亚PDl国际工程设计公司)(PRIDE DESIGN INTERNATIONAL PTY LTD) Housing Strategy for an Ageing Populace 老龄化人口住房战略
15:30—15:50 王兰(同济大学建筑与城市规划学院) Wang Lan (College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji University) 健康城市规划下的绿地实证研究 Empirical Study on Green Space under Healthy Urban Planning |
15:50—16:00 |
茶 歇 Tea break |
16:00—17:00 主持:金荷仙 Host: Jin Hexian
16:00—16:20 李树华(清华大学景观学系) Li Shuhua (Department of Landscape Studies, Tsinghua University) 景观绿地之于人体身心健康之功效与机理 The Effect and Mechanism of Landscape Green Space on Human Body and Mind Health
16:20—16:40 于一凡(同济大学建筑与城市规划学院) Yu Yifan (College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji University) 城市绿地空间对老年人社会交往的影响研究 Study on the Influence of Urban Green Space on Social Interaction of the Elderly
16:40—17:00 王军(西安建筑科技大学) Wang Jun (Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology) 青藏高原自然保护地与乡村社区共生模式探索 Exploration on the Symbiotic Mode of Natural Protected Area and Rural Community in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau |
17:00—18:00 主持:刘晖 Host: Liu Hui |
17:00—17:20 张德顺(同济大学建筑与城市规划学院) Zhang Deshun (College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji University) 1961-2015年气候变化对上海潜在植被和地域代表性植物的影响 Impacts of Climate Change on Potential Vegetation and Geographically Representative Plants in Shanghai from 1961 to 2015
17:20—17:40 赵晓龙(哈尔滨工业大学 ) Zhao Xiaolong (Harbin Institute of Technology) 运动健康导向的寒地绿色空间多维特征识别 Sports Health-oriented Cold Space Green Space Multi-dimensional Feature Recognition
17:40—18:00 戴菲(华中科技大学建筑与城市规划学院) Dai Fei (School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Huazhong University of Science and Technology) 消减颗粒物空气污染的城市绿色基础设施多尺度模拟与实测研究 Multi-scale Simulation and Measurement of Urban Green Infrastructure for Reducing Particulate Air Pollution |
18:30 |
专家及会议代表晚餐(百景园3楼餐厅) Experts and conference delegates dinner (Baijingyuan 3rd Floor Restaurant) |
2018年11月11日,星期日 Sunday, November 11, 2018 |
分会场一:城乡健康 (南四楼100) Session 1: Urban and Rural Health (100 of South Building4) |
8:30—9:10 主持:胡一可 Host: Hu Yike
8:30—8:50 让余敏(武汉园林建筑规划设计院院长) Rang Yumin (President of Wuhan Garden Architecture Planning and Design Institute) 城市设计的整体性思维 Holistic Thinking of Urban Design
8:50—9:10 王伟华(湖北博克景观艺术设计工程有限责任公司) Wang Weihua (Hubei Boke Landscape Art Design Engineering Co., Ltd.) 新乡村崛起:四位一体美丽乡村建设的湖北创新实践 The Rise of the New Countryside: Hubei's Innovation Practice in the Construction of a Beautiful Rural Village |
9:10—9:50 主持:张德顺 Host: Zhang Deshun
9:10—9:30 张学玲(清华大学建筑学院) Zhang Xueling (College of Architecture, Tsinghua University) 中国古典园林中的健康思想研究——以清代皇家园林为例 Study on the Health Thoughts in Chinese Classical Gardens — Taking the Imperial Garden of the Qing Dynasty as an Example
9:30—9:50 余洋(哈尔滨工业大学建筑学院景观系) Yu Yang (Landscape Department, School of Architecture, Harbin Institute of Technology) 绿色空间与抑郁情绪恢复:基于虚拟场景体验的两个途径 Green Space and Depression Restoration: Two Ways Based on Virtual Scene Experience |
9:50—10:00 |
茶 歇 Tea break |
10:00—11:00 主持:余洋 Host: Yu Yang
10:00—10:20 胡一可(天津大学建筑学院) Hu Yike (Tianjin University School of Architecture) 楼纳-河对门村民族文化广场建造札记 Notes on the Construction of the National Cultural Square in Louna-Hebeimen Village
10:20—10:40 万敏(华中科技大学建筑与城市规划学院) Wan Min (School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Huazhong University of Science and Technology) 微介入式的村庄规划研究 Micro-intrusive Village Planning Research
10:40—11:00 李景奇(华中科技大学建筑与城市规划学院) Li Jingqi (School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Huazhong University of Science and Technology) 健康乡村与乡村振兴途径 Healthy Rural and Rural Revitalization |
11:00—11:20 |
颁奖准备 Award preparation |
11:20—12:00 主持:王通 Host: Wang Tong |
“博克”杯全国大学生概念设计竞赛颁奖 "POETIC" Cup National College Students Conceptual Design Competition Awards |
2018年11月11日,星期日 Sunday, November 11, 2018 |
分会场二:景观健康 (南四楼110) Session 2: Landscape Health (110 of South Building 4) |
8:30—9:10 主持:赵晓龙 Host: Zhao Xiaolong
8:30—8:50 李哲(东南大学景观学系) Li Zhe (Department of Landscape Studies, Southeast University) 面向全地表径流的科创园区“建筑-景观”协同改造设计研究——以苏州金枫产业园为例 Research on the "Building-Landscape" Synergy Reconstruction Design of Science and Technology Parks Facing the Whole Surface Runoff — Taking Suzhou Jinfeng Industrial Park as an Example
8:50—9:10 王中德(重庆大学建筑城规学院) Wang Zhongde (Chongqing University School of Architecture and Urban Planning) 共享经济视角下开放街区的公共空间利用模式研究 Research on Public Space Utilization Mode of Open Blocks from the Perspective of Sharing Economy |
9:10—9:50 主持:董贺轩 Host: Dong Hexuan
9:10—9:30 侯韫婧(哈尔滨工业大学建筑学院) Hou Yunjing (Architectural School of Harbin Institute of Technology) 基于线性运动容量的城市公园园路模式形态特征研究——以哈尔滨市为例 Study on the Morphological Characteristics of Urban Park Road Model Based on Linear Motion Capacity — Taking Harbin City as an Example
9:30—9:50 郭亮(华中科技大学建筑与城市规划学院) Guo Liang (School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Huazhong University of Science and Technology) 通勤圈与健康出行 Commuting Circle and healthy travel |
9:50—10:00 |
茶 歇 Tea break |
10:00—10:40 主持:李哲
10:00—10:20 傅凡(北京建筑大学) Fu Fan (Beijing University of architecture) 基于热环境改善的北京城市绿地系统将建PM2.5质量浓度的研究思路 Research Ideas on the Construction of PM2.5 Mass Concentration Based on the Improvement of Thermal Environment in Beijing Urban Green Space System
10:20—10:40 Mehdi Makvandi(华中科技大学建筑与城市规划学院博士研究生)(Huazhong University of Science and Technology, School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Ph.D.) Rapid Urbanization and Iand-cover-change Impact on Heat Balance within Urban Block Scale: A Ccase Study of Wuhan Fringe (1980-2016) 快速城市化与土地覆盖变化对城市区块内热量平衡的影响——以武汉边缘区为例(1980-2016) |
10:40—11:20 主持:傅凡
10:40—11:00 周燕(武汉大学城市设计学院) Zhou Yan (School of Urban Design, Wuhan University) 响应城市内涝的城市水安全格局构建方法研究——以武汉市大东湖片区为例 Study on the Construction Method of Urban Water Security Pattern in Response to Urban Defects — Taking Dadonghu Area of Wuhan as an Example
11:00—11:20 董贺轩(华中科技大学建筑与城市规划学院) Dong Hexuan (School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Huazhong University of Science and Technology) 市井.集体.邻里:多模式住区的开放空间与老龄交往 CMarket Place. Collective. Neighborhood: Open space of multi-model settlements and Eldly Interactive Activities |
11:20—12:00 主持:王通 Host: Wang Tong |
“博克”杯全国大学生概念设计竞赛颁奖(地点:南四楼100) "POETIC" Cup National College Students Conceptual Design Competition Awards(100 of South Building4) |
3、联系电话: 027-87543156
5、网页: http://aup.hust.edu.cn/
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住宿标准: □150元以下/天.间 □150~200元/天.间 □200~300元/天.间 |
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备注: |
The 8th International Conference on Urban and Landscape Architecture: “U+L New Thinking”
“POETIC” National Concept Design Competition for University Students
(Third Announcement)
·School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
·Landscape Architecture Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council
·Chinese Landscape Architecture Journal
·Hubei Poetic Landscape Design and Engineering, LLC
·YangmingCultural Garden in China
·Wuhan Yuanjing Planning & Design Co., Ltd
·New Architecture Journal
Conference Theme: Landscape Architecture from the Perspective of Healthy China
The construction of human settlements in China is facing many problems, such as resource destruction, natural disasters, urban agglomeration, population aging, and so on, which have threaten the health of human and human living environment."Implementing the healthy China strategy, improving the national health policy, and providing the people with a full range of full cycle health services" is one of the important contents of the nineteen major reports of China. Healthy China has become a major development strategy in China,promoting the health of human beings and their environment is one of the important objectives of human settlements construction.Landscape architecture andurban and rural planning as an important way of human settlements construction will play a major role in the construction of "healthy China".
Therefore, how to think about the planning and design of landscape architecture from the perspective of healthy China? How can landscape architecture, urban and rural planning and architecture consider the healthy living environment? We need more attention, but also need your strong support.
1. Organizing Committee
Chairman: Huang Yaping (黄亚平)
Members: Wan Min (万敏), WangWeihua(王伟华), Rang Yumin (让余敏),Liu Binyi(刘滨谊), LiBaofeng (李保峰), Li Xiaofeng(李晓峰), Li Jingqi(李景奇), JinHexian (金荷仙),Zhang Qihe (张其鹤), Tan Gangyi(谭刚毅), Cai Xinyuan(蔡新元),XiongHeping (熊和平), Dai Fei (戴菲), Dong Hexuan(董贺轩)
2. Academic Committee (in alphabetical order)
Chairman: Liu Binyi(刘滨谊)
Members: Cheng Yuning(成玉宁),Du Chunlan(杜春兰),Jin Hexian(金荷仙),Liu Hui(刘晖),Li Shuhua(李树华),Mario Fosso,Paul Meyer,Rang Yumin(让余敏),Wan Min(万敏),Wang Jun(王军),Wang Weihua(王伟华),Yi Zhijian(易志坚),Zhao Xiaolong(赵晓龙)
3. Conference Schedule and Venue
1) Schedule
9th November 2018, Registration;10th-11th November 2018, Conference
2) Venue
Report Hall, Building 1,Huazhong University of Science and Technology (1037 Luoyu Rd., Wuhan, Hubei Province) (湖北省武汉市武昌珞瑜路1037号)
3) Conference traffic guidance map
4. Meeting schedule
Meeting Schedule
Friday, November 9, 2018 |
9:30—22:00 |
Registration (Huazhong University of Science and Technology Academic Exchange Center Building 8) |
18:00—19:00 |
Dinner with experts (Baijingyuan 3rd Floor Restaurant) |
Saturday, November 10, 2018 |
Meeting place (School Report Hall, Building 1) |
8:30—9:00 Host: Wan Min |
Opening ceremony Speech: Huazhong University of Science and Technology, State Council Academic Degrees Committee, Landscape Architecture Discipline Review Group, China Landscape Architecture Society, China Yangming Cultural Park, College Leadership |
9:00—9:20 |
Photography, Tea break |
9:20—10:20 Host: Gao Chi |
9:20—9:50 Liu Binyi (Department of Landscape Architecture, School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji University, Review Team of Landscape Architecture, State Council Academic Degrees Committee) Building a park city - the new direction of the future urban landscape
9:50—10:20 Cheng Yuning (Department of Landscape Architecture, School of Architecture, Southeast University) Digital landscape - meaning, logic, structure and method |
10:20—12:00 Host: Liu Binyi |
10:20—10:50 Yi Zhijian (Vice President of Chongqing Jiaotong University) The theory, practice and prospect of desert soilization
10:50—11:20 Du Chunlan (College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Chongqing University) Dust settles - the study of the geography of the return
11:20—12:00(including translation time) Mario Fosso(Politecnico di Milano) Healty Mind in Healty body——Asili, Scuole Ospedali, Villaggi per Vacanze in Italy and Europe(Health concept, healthy body – taking Asili, Scuole Ospedali, Villaggi per Vacanze projects in Italy and Europe as examples) |
12:00—13:00 |
Experts and conference delegates lunch (Baijingyuan 3rd Floor Restaurant) |
Meeting place (School Report Hall, Building 1) |
13:30—14:30 Host: Cheng Yuning |
13:30—13:50 Liu Hui (Department of Landscape Architecture, School of Architecture, Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology) Habitat Construction·Xi'an Experiment
13:50—14:10 Tan Shaohua (College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Chongqing University) The health restoration effect of landscape gardens
14:10—14:30 Jiang Bin (Department of Landscape Architecture, University of Hong Kong)) The Road to the Healthy City: The Benefits of Urban Nature for Mental Health |
14:30—15:50 Host: Du Chunlan |
14:30—14:50 Jin Hexian (College of Landscape Architecture, Zhejiang A & F University, President of Chinese Landscape Architecture Journal) Amazing Wonderland——The Ecological Wisdom of Tianfudi in Jiangnan Taoist Cave
14:50—15:30(With translation time) Paul Meyer Housing Strategy for an Ageing Populace
15:30—15:50 Wang Lan (College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji University) Empirical Study on Green Space under Healthy Urban Planning |
15:50—16:00 |
Tea break |
16:00—17:00 Host: Jin Hexian
16:00—16:20 Li Shuhua (Department of Landscape Studies, Tsinghua University) The effect and mechanism of landscape green space on human body and mind health
16:20—16:40 Yu Yifan (College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji University) Study on the Influence of Urban Green Space on Social Interaction of the Elderly
16:40—17:00 Wang Jun (Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology) Exploration on the Symbiotic Mode of Natural Protected Area and Rural Community in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau |
17:00—18:00 Host: Liu Hui |
17:00-17:20 Zhang Deshun (College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji University) Impacts of Climate Change on Potential Vegetation and Geographically Representative Plants in Shanghai from 1961 to 2015
17:20-17:40 Zhao Xiaolong (Harbin Institute of Technology) Sports Health-oriented Cold Space Green Space Multi-dimensional Feature Recognition
17:40-18:00 Dai Fei (School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Huazhong University of Science and Technology) Multi-scale Simulation and Measurement of Urban Green Infrastructure for Reducing Particulate Air Pollution |
18:30 |
Experts and conference delegates dinner (Baijingyuan 3rd Floor Restaurant) |
Sunday, November 11, 2018 |
Session 1: Urban and Rural Health (100 of South Building4) |
8:30—9:10 Host: Hu Yike |
8:30-8:50 Rang Yumin (President of Wuhan Garden Architecture Planning and Design Institute) Holistic thinking of urban design
8:50-9:10 Wang Weihua (Hubei Boke Landscape Art Design Engineering Co., Ltd.) The Rise of the New Countryside: Hubei's Innovation Practice in the Construction of a Beautiful Rural Village |
9:10—9:50 Host: Zhang Deshun |
9:10—9:30 Zhang Xueling (College of Architecture, Tsinghua University) Study on the Health Thoughts in Chinese Classical Gardens——Taking the Imperial Garden of the Qing Dynasty as an Example
9:30—9:50 Yu Yang (Landscape Department, School of Architecture, Harbin Institute of Technology) Green Space and Depression Restoration: Two Ways Based on Virtual Scene Experience |
9:50—10:00 Tea Break |
10:00—11:00 Host: Yu Yang
10:00—10:20 Hu Yike (Tianjin University School of Architecture) Notes on the Construction of the National Cultural Square in Louna-Hebeimen Village
10:20—10:40 Wan Min (School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Huazhong University of Science and Technology) Micro-intrusive Village Planning Research
10:40—11:00 Li Jingqi (School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Huazhong University of Science and Technology) Healthy Rural and Rural Revitalization |
11:00—11:20 |
Award preparation |
11:20—12:00 Host: Wang Tong |
"POETIC" Cup National College Students Conceptual Design Competition Awards |
Sunday, November 11, 2018 |
Session 2: Landscape Health (110 of 4th South Building) |
8:30—9:10 Host: Zhao Xiaolong |
8:30-8:50 Li Zhe (Department of Landscape Studies, Southeast University) Research on the "Building-Landscape" Synergy Reconstruction Design of Science and Technology Parks Facing the Whole Surface Runoff——Taking Suzhou Jinfeng Industrial Park as an Example
8:50-9:10 Wang Zhongde (Chongqing University School of Architecture and Urban Planning) Research on Public Space Utilization Mode of Open Blocks from the Perspective of Sharing Economy |
9:10—9:50 Host: Dong Hexuan |
9:10-9:30 Hou Yunjing (Architectural School of Harbin Institute of Technology) Study on the Morphological Characteristics of Urban Park Road Model Based on Linear Motion Capacity——Taking Harbin City as an Example
9:30-9:50 Guo Liang (School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Huazhong University of Science and Technology) Urban Spatial Expansion of Jiangxi Province Based on DMSP/OLS Night Light Data |
9:50—10:00 Tea break |
10:00—10:40 Host: Li Zhe |
10:00—10:20 Fu Fan (Beijing University of architecture) Research Ideas on the Construction of PM2.5 Mass Concentration Based on the Improvement of Thermal Environment in Beijing Urban Green Space System
10:20—10:40 Mehdi Makvandi(Huazhong University of Science and Technology, School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Ph.D.) Rapid Urbanization and Land-cover-change Impact on Heat Balance Within Urban Block Scale: A Case Study of Wuhan Fringe (1980-2016) |
10:40—11:20 Host: Fu Fan |
10:40—11:00 Zhou Yan (School of Urban Design, Wuhan University) Study on the Construction Method of Urban Water Security Pattern in Response to Urban Defects——Taking Dadonghu Area of Wuhan as an Example
11:00-11:20 Dong Hexuan (School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Huazhong University of Science and Technology) Market Place. Collective. Neighborhood: Open space of multi-model settlements and Eldly Interactive Activities |
11:20—12:00 Host: Wang Tong |
"POETIC" Cup National College Students Conceptual Design Competition Awards(100 of South Building4) |
The meeting does not charge any fees. Participants are responsible for their travel, accommodation and catering expenses. The organizer only provides information on different grades of hotels for the participants to choose from. Members are welcome to attend. Due to the limited size of the venue and the large number of participants, participants who wish to participate must submit a meeting receipt before 2018.11.8, and they can only participate after receiving confirmation from the organization.
6. Contacts
Address: 1037 Luoyu Rd. Wuhan, Hubei Province, 430074
Department of Landscape Architecture, School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Enquiries and contacts: Mr. SongMinglei (宋明磊)Mr. DongHexuan (董贺轩)
Tel:(+86) 027-87543156 (+86) 17771839513(+86) 13707136982
Web: http://aup.hust.edu.cn/
Annex I:
Organizing committee of The 8th International Conference on Urban and Landscape Architecture: “U+L New Thinking” &“POETIC” National Concept Design Competition for University Students
Conference registration receipt
Name |
Gender |
Employer |
Position / Title |
Zip code and detailed address |
Phone |
Mobile phone |
E-mail |
Please use the symbol "√" to select the following items |
□ Ask the conference to arrange accommodation □ Single room □ Live with |
Accommodation standard: □150 yuan or less / day. □150~200 yuan / day. □200~300 yuan / day. |
Other related requirements: |
Remarks: |