当前,我国经济已由高速增长阶段转向高质量发展阶段。2020年末,中国常住人口城镇化率已经超过60%,新型城镇化已经进入“下半场”,城镇化从速度提高转向质量提升已经成为此一时期的主旋律。十四五时期是我国全面开启建设社会主义现代化国家新征程、迈向第二个百年奋斗目标的第一个五年,同时也是推动新型城镇化实现更高质量发展的关键时期。2021年3月,十三届全国人大四次会议表决通过了国家“十四五”规划《纲要》,《纲要》提出要“坚持走中国特色新型城镇化道路,深入推进以人为核心的新型城镇化战略,以城市群、都市圈为依托促进大中小城市和小城镇协调联动、特色化发展,使更多人民群众享有更高品质的城市生活” 。
段 进 中国科学院院士,东南大学建筑学院教授
石 楠,中国城市规划学会常务副理事长兼秘书长,教授级高级城市规划师
邓红蒂,中国国土勘测规划院 副院长
林 坚,中国城市规划学会规划实施学委会副主任委员、北京大学城市与环境学院教授
Ewelina Woźniak-Szpakiewicz,Cracow University of Technology,Professor,Poland
Qing Shen,University of Washington,Professor,USA
Steffen Nijhuis,University of Delft,Associate Professor,NL
Zhongren Peng,University of Florida, Professor,USA
石 楠 中国城市规划学会常务副理事长兼秘书长,教授级高级城市规划师
黄亚平 中国城市规划学会理事,华中科技大学建筑与城市规划学院院长,教授
彭 翀 华中科技大学建筑与城市规划学院副书记兼副院长,教授
刘合林 华中科技大学建筑与城市规划学院,教授
钱 思 李晓峰 谭刚毅 蔡新元 何立群 万艳华 李义纯 宋明磊 杨 柳 耿 虹 洪亮平 何 依 陈锦富 任绍斌 郭 亮 王智勇 赵丽元 贺 慧
2. 圆桌论坛:长江中游城市区域空间发展与规划(10月17日上午)
事件 |
日期 |
论文截稿 |
2021年8月31日 |
录用通知 |
2021年9月15日 |
会议报到 |
2021年10月15日 |
会议召开 |
2021年10月16-17日(周六、周日) |
中国 武汉 华中科技大学
联系人: 张雪老师,027-87557134
The 9th “21st century urban development” international conference
Conference theme: New urbanization & city-region spatial planning
After forty years of fast development, China’s economy has now shifted from the speed-prioritized model to the quality-prioritized model. At the end of 2020, China’s urbanization rate based upon permanent urban residence population has exceeded 60% which implies that China’s new urbanization has entered the "second half" of its urbanization process. It is clear that at this stage, quality improvement rather than speed acceleration of urbanization is the main theme of this period. The 14th Five-Year Plan period is the first five years during which China will embark on a new journey toward building a modern socialist country and march toward the second centenary goal as has been proposed since the beginning of China’s reform and opening up. It is also a critical period for China to pursue new urbanization with the aim to achieve higher-quality development. In March 2021, the Fourth Session of the 13th National People's Congress voted and approved the "Outline" of China’s "14th Five-Year Plan". The "Outline" proposes to "persist in taking the road of new urbanization with Chinese characteristics, pursuing in-depth advancement of people-oriented new urbanization, and harnessing the potential of urban agglomerations and metropolitan areas to facilitate coordinated development of large, medium and small cities and towns, so that more people can enjoy a higher quality of urban life”.
At this new stage, China’s urbanization will show new features and face new challenges as well. The overall urbanization speed will tend to slow down while urbanization in China’s inland areas will accelerate; urban agglomerations and metropolitan areas will play a more prominent role, and smart governance will be widely accelerated. Facing these new development trends and the corresponding new commanding requirements, how can we arouse the underlying potential of new urbanization? Currently the world is undergoing great changes unseen in a century. Therefore, to promote the integrated development of urban agglomerations, to advance the high-quality development of modern metropolitan areas, to optimize the functions of super-large cities, to further the urbanization of counties, to strive for comprehensive rural revitalization, and to pursue in-depth implementation of major regional strategies and coordinated development are of great significance for China’s initiative to accelerate the establishment of a new dual-cycle development pattern and the promotion of high-quality new urbanization strategies.
The 9th “21st century urban development” international conference will invite well-known experts and scholars in the fields of planning, geography, economics, and management across the globe to deliver academic speeches, and invite authors to present their conference papers peer-reviewed and rated as high quality by the conference committee. We look forward to all the participants expressing their insightful arguments and speeches, so that we can jointly promote the development of the theory and practice of new urbanization and city-region spatial planning.
1 Conference theme and topics
(1) Main theme
New urbanization & city-region spatial planning
(2) Sub-topics:
The conference will focus on the following sub-topics but not limited to:
l Regional urbanization pattern and localized development
l County economy and county urbanization
l Rural revitalization and urban-rural integration development
l Urban agglomeration development and spatial planning
l Metropolitan area development and spatial planning
l Super-large/large city development and betterment of spatial quality
l Planning and construction of the Triangle of Central China
2 Organiser
Urban Planning Society of China
Huazhong University of Science and Technology
3 Hosting Organiser
School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
4 Academic committee
(1) Chair:
Duan Jin, Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Professor of School of Architecture, Southeast University
(2) Academic committee member (Ordered by Chinese surname):
Fang Chuanglin, Academician of International Eurasian Academy of Sciences, Senior researcher of Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Anthony Gar-On Yeh, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Professor of the University of Hong Kong
Shi Nan, Vice President of Urban Planning Society of China, Professor-level Senior Urban Planner
Deng Hongdi, Deputy Dean, China Land Survey and Planning Institue
Sun Bindong, Director of the China Administrative Division Research Center, Secretary of the Party Committee and Professor of the School of Urban and Regional Sciences, East China Normal University
Lin Jian, Vice Chairman of the Planning Implementation Committee of the Urban Planning Society of China, Professor of the School of Urban and Environmental Sciences, Peking University
Zhang Jingxiang, Executive Director the Urban Planning Society of China, Professor of the School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Nanjing University
Zhao Yanjing, Vice Chairman of the Urban Planning Society of China, Professor of the School of Architecture and Civil Engineering, and professor of the School of Economics, Xiamen University
Peng Zhenwei, Executive Director of the Urban Planning Society of China, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Professor of Tongji University
Ewelina Woźniak-Szpakiewicz, Cracow University of Technology,Professor,Poland
Qing Shen, University of Washington, Professor, USA
Steffen Nijhuis, University of Delft,Associate Professor,NL
Zhongren Peng, University of Florida, Professor,USA
5 Organisation committee
(1) Chair:
Shi Nan, Vice President of Urban Planning Society of China, Professor-level Senior Urban Planner
Huang Yaping, Dean, School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Professor
(2) Executive chair:
Peng Chong, Deputy secretary and deputy dean of the School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Professor
(3) Deputy executive chair and secretary-general:
Liu Helin, School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Professor
(4) Committee Member:
Qian Si, Li Xiaofeng, Tan Gangyi, Cai Xinyuan, He Liqun, Wan Yanhua, Li Yichun, Song Minglei, Yang Liu, Geng Hong, Hong Liangping, He Yi, Chen Jinfu, Ren Shaobin, Guo Liang, Wang Zhiyong, Zhao Liyuan, He Hui
6 Brief Conference Schedule
This conference will be organized by both online and offline ways.
(1) Invited speeches in the main session (16 Oct. 2021)
Presentations by invited distinguished guests.
(2) Presentation in the branch sessions (Morning on 17 Oct. 2021)
Three branch sessions with each having 7-8 presentations.
(3) Roundtable: City-region development and planning in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River (Morning on 17 Oct. 2021)
The 10-15 invited experts are expected to discuss the topic.
7 Important timeline
Events |
Dates |
Deadline of the paper submission |
31/08/2021 |
Date of paper acceptance notice |
15/09/2021 |
Date of conference registration |
15/10/2021 |
Conference date |
16-17/10/2021 (Saturday, Sunday) |
8 Conference paper submission
The conference warmly welcomes paper contribution from scholars, experts and government administrative staff et al. Papers by students from universities are also greatly encouraged. All the submitted papers will be peer-reviewed by the academic committee and those accepted papers will be published as conference proceedings. Authors with papers rated as excellence will be invited to present their work on the conference. Papers should be in a Word document suitable for Windows PC, submitted in electronic form, and submitted to: 21ccity@mail.hust.edu.cn. Please follow the paper format as illustrated by the word file attached strictly.
The paper must include:
The title of the paper, the name of the author
Author's contact information (university, department, full address, telephone, fax and email)
9 Registration fee
For offline participants from China, the fee is 800 Yuan/person, and for students (full-time) the fee is 300 Yuan/person.The way of how to pay the conference fee will be announced soon in the second round of conference notice.
Registration fee is for conference reports and refreshments only. The registration fee does not cover costs of travelling and accommodation.
10 Conference location
Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China
11 Contact information
Contact: Zhang Xue
Address: School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, No. 1037, Yuyu Road, Hongshan District, Wuhan, Hubei, China
China, 430074
Phone: +86-27-87557134,
Fax: +86-27-87557134
Email: 21ccity@mail.hust.edu.cn